Saturday, July 23, 2011

Hueology is going Green...

Trish is a GREEN junkie (and were not talking the eco-friendly state). She loves the color!!! In any shade on anything and yes, she is friendly to our ever endearing environment. With Annie Sloan Chalk Paints. not only do they have fabulous colors, it has low VOC which helps our mother earth as well {happy}!!!

This is a custom mix from THREE of Annie's yummy colors. Would you like to know what they are... You only see two, what's the third? Leave us a comment and maybe we'll do a post on the mix from Hueology.

Look at the rich color contrast from this aged antique piece of furniture. This old buffet from Trish's Great-grandmother was "in-wait" for a new life. What do you have waiting?

{Want to see more pictures of this piece and learn the color combo? Head over to Life to the "T" to see more}


  1. love it!!! You are fabulous!

  2. Please, please, please share the cocktail that gave you that fabulous chartreuse green!!!

    I found you via your feature over at MMS and I. Am. In. Awe!

    I've been browsing around and am so inspired by your work!

    So pretty please with sugar on to share the third color :)


  3. just found your blog..FUN! I vote red

  4. I'd love to know the extra color as well! Please share!
