Friday, October 14, 2011

31 Days of ASCP, Day 14...Hammer the Lids Down...Hard!

We interrupt the 31 Days Series to bring you a VERY important tip.....

When putting your lids back on your paint cans make sure you hammer those lids down really tight!

Goodbye to a almost full can of Versailles!  

Remember that lovely organized paint bucket from this post?  Well, it seems I piled the cans pretty high in my bucket, didn't hammer the lid down tight enough, and and then stopped short on a downward hill.



  1. yes, similar thing happened to me RIP Paris Grey!

  2. Been there...done that ;-<

    Luckily I was working with a vinyl tablecloth as a drop cloth, so I scooped like nobodies business..then brushed directly off the drop cloth. I was not going to waste a drop.

    janet xox

    RIP Versailles ;-<

  3. Oh my. Note to self to put down a drop cloth when we re-paint the bedroom. Was that carpet under the Versailles? Oh my.

  4. Wow! And you took the time to take a picture before you tried to save the spilled paint! What a good blogger you are for us! Love your projects!

  5. Oh no! So sorry!

    Yet one must admit it is always sort of funny when someone spills paint LOL I'm sorry! ducking (been there done that. Got it on the dog too.

  6. OMG - I just did that in the backseat of my new truck. All over the carpet and under the seat - a whole quart of old white. Well, lesson learned and now if I am travelling with it I put it in a plastic bag, tied shut, and secure in a box or bin. I'm glad I'm not the only one who did it!
