Wednesday, December 14, 2011

12 Days of Hueology Christmas~ Day3...

"On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me"...
Three chest of drawers,
Two cans of wax and
A quart of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint!!!

What's better than taking a vintage set of drawers (okay, any piece of furniture for that case) that are lacking life, than to give them fresh life with a simple coat of paint!!! Here at Hueology, we have jumped on the "french provincial" bandwagon. We LOVE to find it in the most unusual places, grab it and run to the shop and PAINT, PAINT, PAINT!!! Yes, we know, that not all our finds are priceless pieces that have been shipped to the states which are true antiques worth thousands, but it sure feels like it when we are done loving each piece!!!

Here MJ painted these little darlings in Pure White with Paloma accents. She then added a custom mix interior of Scandinavian Pink and Pure White... ALL colors by Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. We truly hope some little girl will be smitten with this for years to come and cherish them as we have.

What's your favorite type of furniture to buy, paint and or decorate with? 


  1. My favorite??? Anything in price, not quality ;->

    Lovely accent table ladies...well done once again!

    Janet xox
    The Empty Nest

  2. I love anything FREE on the side of the road or stuff I can get cheap on Craig's List. Ü

  3. FRENCH! Or French-ish. Or close enough to French for me...

    Provenance and pedigree aren't that important...that way I don't feel so bad painting them!

    Stiltskin Studios
