Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Toned down the Annie Sloan way...

Well, it seems the last post about the color "Provence"wasn't everyone's forte'...So we toned this one WAY down... ha ha ha! What fun is it adding sheet music to such a lovely side piece!!! This was painted with the neutral color Country Grey and what a GREAT color it is. We are working on trying to get more pictures and posts soon... so be patient for the fun to come.

WHat's your favorite NEUTRAL color?


  1. Hey Gals...Annie has so many great neutrals...Versailles is great and Old Ochre is a favorite!

    janet xox

  2. I like the way it turned out, i have always wanted to decoupage music to the top of something!

  3. Love it! What glue do you use for the paper application? Mine always seems to bubble.

  4. Love Country Grey. Also agree with Janet, Old Ochre and Versailles are wonderful too!

    Thanks for linking up.
