Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Annie Sloan in New Orleans (Part 1)...

Yes, it's true... WE had the opportunity to go to GRAND New Orleans, LA for the kick-off of "The Annie Sloan™ North American Tour"!!! We had the chance to eat GREAT food (details in next post), meet a VERY talented group of people, learn more about Annie Sloan Chalk Paint™ products to come, and most importantly MEET ANNIE HERSELF!!!

You MUST see Annie Sloan on tour to see what the secrets are!

Annie and her staff taught us TONS about the business's in & outs, things to help us grow as painters & designers, color theory (of course by Annie, see above), and most fun... about NEW products coming SOON!!! We feel truly blessed to be a part of this company that Annie Sloan started in 1972. That was when she first developed the Annie Sloan Chalk Paint ™ brand!!! Can you imagine, not only is she the "original" Chalk Paint™, she has it Trade Marked...WOW!!!

Annie's own book of paint mixes and secrets...

We were able to see in person the official Annie Sloan Chalk Paint™ sample pots to come, the beautiful fabrics ready for shipping, had a chance to use the exquisite paint brushes and MORE... Annie Sloan™ and her company have visions of no end to what she can and WILL do!!! We are still giddy to all we learned and witnessed!

FUN sample size pots coming this summer...

Fabrics ready to be shipped...

Classes were long days that seemed to breeze by. We were all itching to learn and hear more were like little sponges in a sea of painted bliss!!! One of the most exciting parts of the trip was going to a cocktail party at an old New Orleans mansion hosted by Lisa Rickerts from Annie Sloan Unfolded™. The house was a true gem in the Garden district and we felt like royalty "hanging"with the QUEEN herself. All the while sipping Champaign and sampling down-home Louisiana style cooking and cocktails (we might have even sampled a tequila oyster shot or 2)!!!

MJ Taylor, Annie Sloan, Trish Naylor

Want to meet the MASTER herself? She's coming to a location in your region!!! Hurry before she's gone back to England and enjoy a day with ANNIE SLOAN™!!!

Visit for more details... and take a minute to browse the BRAND NEW Annie Sloan Unfolded™ website, it's chock FULL of good info!!!

Want to see sample boards we did in class? Want to see a BRAND NEW piece of furniture we painted from being so inspired by our trip? Visit us at Total Bliss in Summerfield, NC soon before it's GONE!!! 

Want to see more about our trip??? We met so MANY fabulous people, I wish I could list them ALL! It was overwhelmingly FUN to meet each and everyone!!!

Tawnya from C'est Moi
Terry from Budget Re-Design
Barb from FauxWorks Studio


  1. Hey ladies,

    Loved meeting you both and I love all your little trademark symbols in this post...well done!

    Looking forward to seeing you again in Leesburg!!!

    janet xox
    The Empty Nest

  2. Love reading about and even more, seeing the pictures about Annie's tour and all the people I know via fb pages. Thanks so much for sharing!

  3. What a great job! Love the pictures.

  4. It was so much fun meeting you and all the other folks from around the country! Thanks for posting.. it is always good to see it again!

  5. ™ (for an unregistered trade mark, that is, a mark used to promote or brand goods)
    ℠ (for an unregistered service mark, that is, a mark used to promote or brand services)
    ® (for a registered trademark or service mark)

  6. Great post! And great time in NOLA. Love the "hue" of you!

  7. I just discovered ASCP over the weekend, and have now spent way too many hours scouring the web to look at gorgeous furniture makeovers. I LOVE your blog. It's so inspiring! I live in the Triangle, and am currently plotting how I can get to where y'all are to see your shop.
